If you are interested in renting any of our very competitively priced facilities, please call (902) 742-4320 or email: beaconunited@eastlink.ca
We can provide you with our rates and rental agreement.
- Seating capacity of 510) with choir loft and Ca Savant Pipe Organ
- General use:
- $117 unheated
- $233 heated
- seating capacity of 50
- $56 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening)
- 50′ x 65′ with stage area (45′ x 15′)
- Capacity for people is 368.
- $100 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening)
- $283 – All day
- $28 – Rehearsal, Early Set Up
- A commercially licensed fully fitted Kitchen
- Cooler, fridge, 2 Ranges and commercial dishwasher.
- $75 – per use within a 24 hour period
- $25 – per hour
Room 25 / 27
- Seating Capacity of 14-16
- $34 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening)
Parlour Room 22 / 24
- with small Kitchenette
- $63 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening) (Seating Capacity of 40)
Library / Room 21
- seating capacity 12-14
- $32 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening)
Room 19
- seating capacity 14-16
- $32 (per segment: morning, afternoon, evening)
- PA System: $30
- Projector / Computer / Screen: $50
Please call Beacon United Church office at 902-742-4320 for rates applicable to weddings and funerals.
- Bookings: Please contact the Church Office 742-4320. Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am -2 pm.
- Fees are to be paid in full before date of rental.
- Please contain your activities to the area(s) rented. Failure to do so will result in additional fees.
- Beacon United Church and facilities are smoke-free.
- In addition, we ask that you follow the guidelines of Beacon’s Allergy Management Policy as outlined below:
- Beacon United Church in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, has members and users with life threatening allergies to nuts (peanuts, tree nuts), seafood and shellfish. For the safety of all, any foods containing these products should not be brought, prepared or served in this facility.
- All user groups are asked to inform their members of this policy to avoid possible contamination of areas where food is served. Those with allergies are asked to have a personal care plan in the event that an allergic reaction occurs. This includes having an epi-pen and additional allergy medication available as appropriate.
- There are also people with sensitivities to scents and perfumes. For the comfort of those with these sensitivities, those using the facility are asked to refrain from using scented personal care products or cleaning supplies.
- Upon Exit: Sign off on “close-down” list provided in the space(s) rented. Turn off all lights, including washrooms. Turn heat down to minimal setting. Ensure all doors and windows are locked.
- Rooms & Tables are to be left in the same condition they are found. If necessary, please use coverings on tables or wash them when finished using. Please do not use tape, tacks, nails, screws or glue to affix any items to walls, doors or posts of the facility. If a room or table is found in poor condition, or anything is damaged, please report this to the Church Office (Mon-Fri., 10 am-2 pm) at 902-742-4320 or beaconunited@eastlink.ca. Please leave a phone message if the office is closed. Payment for damages that are not normal wear and tear are responsibility of renter.
- Auditorium Users: Do not drag chairs, tables or other objects across the floor which can scratch the finish. When cleaning up after use, all chairs are to be stacked to a maximum of 10 high and put back in a single row in front of the ramp railing.
- Failure to comply with proper clean-up will result in the group and/or person in charge paying janitorial fees at a rate of $12.75 per hour for any cleaning required above and beyond normal.
- Groups are required to sort and remove their own waste-stream product: Sorting waste-stream containers are provided throughout the facility but all waste must be removed (you are permitted to remove the bags). Failure to remove your waste will result in $15 per bag. A refundable deposit of $30 may be required with this agreement.
- Storage: Groups leaving possessions behind must have permission and be designated an area by the church office. Items must be labeled and stored properly, otherwise they may be disposed of.
- Insured Users: All insured users of this facility must include “Beacon United Church” as an “additional insured” on their insurance policy, and submit a copy of proof of insurance to Beacon.
- Heating: The main heating system in the building is turned on in November and off in April.
- Advertising: Events taking place in the Auditorium must indicate that the event is taking place at Beacon Hall (25 Beacon Street) not Beacon United Church.
- There is a $10 charge for lost keys. Keys are to be returned within 3 days following your event.
- Refund Policy: We do not offer cash refunds after fees have been paid in full as we are unable to re-rent the space booked. In the event that there is cancellation due to weather, we will allow you to rebook your event at no cost. If we are unable to rebook your event we will offer you a refund.
- Beacon United Church reserves the right to reschedule any bookings: We take all measures to prevent this from happening but unexpected faith-related services (such as funerals) may require use of our facilities on short notice. We always compromise and are fair, but if all fails, we offer a refund
Beacon United Church supports a limited number of recognized charity groups with reduced rates.