Bequests – The most common form of legacy gift is a bequest in your will. You can direct your bequest to any category of the church’s work, or divide your gifts among several programs and ministries. Your estate enjoys the tax benefit that accrues.
Broadview – This is a magazine of the United Church of Canada. Subscriptions are available through the church for $25.00. For more information on the United Church Broadview go to
Bulletins – Sponsorship of the weekly Sunday bulletin is available for $25.00 per week. Bulletins can be dedicated in memory of or in honor of individuals.
Carpet – We have completed the laying of new carpet to the church narthex and sanctuary. The old carpet was 53 years old, it was time. Money donated is directed to the cost of the total project. Thank you.
Church and Community – This team is responsible for outreach within the community and provides fellowship for the congregation. Money donated would support local outreach, community suppers, refreshment time following the worship service, and the Community Garden. Our Church and Community Team also deliver flowers to shut-ins at Christmas as well as flowers at Easter for those who had a death in the family throughout the year.
Community Garden – Your donations would directly support the costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the Community Garden. This large 160 plot community garden is opened to all community members. It is available at no cost but donations are welcome.
Food Bank – Money donated is directed to The Yarmouth Food Bank.
Free Community Meal – On the 3rd Sunday of each month a full healthy meal with beverages and dessert is served to the community. There is usually a vegetarian option. It’s a great way to meet the community. Donations are accepted at each meal but not required.
Fuel Fund – Money donated is directed to the Yarmouth Community Fuel Fund.
General – Money donated is used for the general operating expenses of the church including salaries and operational costs.
Memorial Funds – These donations are given in memory of people. The funds are used to buy items in memorial.
Mission and Service – Funds donated are sent directly to the United Church of Canada for use with administrative costs and outreach projects within Canada and throughout the world. Funds are also used for emergency disaster relief. Details of the extent of the work of this fund can be found at
Refugee Support Group – The Yarmouth Refugee Support Group assists with providing support and sponsoring refugees in the Yarmouth area.
Session Fund – This is a benevolent fund used to help those in need within our local area.
Ways and Means – The Ways and Means Committee are responsible for fundraising to support capital projects or the general operation of the church.
Donations can be mailed into the church, dropped off at the church weekdays or made online. Business hours are 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you wish to donate online you can eTransfer directly to, or you can use a credit card or Visa debit through Canada Helps (note that Canada Helps deducts a 3.5% administration fee). Please click below.

How to Donate Using eTransfer
- Log into your online banking account
- In the “Transfer” options (or similar) of your online banking menus, choose Interac or eTransfer option.
- Use as the recipient.
- You don’t have to worry about what secret question/answer you provide – our eTransfer account uses auto-deposit, so you don’t have to send us a secret answer.