Isaiah 60:1-6
Our reading this morning from the prophet Isaiah was written after the Hebrew people had returned from exile in Babylon. The rebuilding of the temple was well under way, but after the initial excitement of the return frustration seemed to be settling in. The wealth and prosperity they had left was gone and times were hard. Isaiah promise however, that if they stay faithful to God and allow God’s light to shine through them, eventually they will once again become the powerful and wealthy nation they dreamed of being.
Psalm 72 (Parts 1 & 2) VU # 790
Our Psalm reading call on God to give justice to the chosen ruler so that he will rule with righteousness and justice.
Ephesians 3:1-12
From almost the very beginning of his ministry, Paul believed that he was called to the special mission of being a prophet to the gentiles, a light to reveal God’s grace to those who previously had been considered unworthy.
Matthew 2:1-15
Our gospel reading this morning is the familiar Epiphany story of the visit of the Magi. It is a story that has become so mixed in with Luke’s story that we often forget it is a completely different story. It is not set in a stable, but rather in a house in the town of Bethlehem where a carpenter and his wife live with their young son.
This morning I have chosen to continue the reading to include verses 13 to 15 which describe what we commonly refer to as “The Escape to Egypt”.